
Lab puppies, Detection & Service Dog Training


Meet our exceptional Labrador Retrievers, bred and trained for excellence in shed hunting and companionship.


Stay tuned for our next litter of promising puppies, ready to embark on their shed hunting journey


Welcome to ShedHuntingLabs.com, proudly brought to you by Skyline Drive Kennels! Our mission at Skyline Drive Kennels is to breed and train exceptional Labrador Retrievers while providing personalized care and attention to each dog. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards in puppy rearing and training, drawing from programs such as Puppy Culture, Puppy Start Right, and Avidog.

Thank you for considering Skyline Drive Kennels (ShedHuntingLabs.com) as your trusted source for quality shed hunting dogs.

Every dog that leaves our kennels is not just a companion but a reflection of our dedication to the breed and our passion for shed hunting.


Skyline Drive Kennels offers a comprehensive program tailored to meet every aspect of your pet’s care, from grooming to specialized training.

Latest News

Stay updated with our latest news and exciting updates from Skyline Drive Kennels. We’re committed to keeping you informed about new litters, events, and promotions. Join us in sharing our passion for exceptional dogs!

Find out what our clients have to say about their experiences with Skyline Drive Kennels – their feedback speaks volumes

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